"My life is a reading list.”
― John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany.
― John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany.
For those of us who grew up with our noses in books, this quote makes us smile. We know it is true. Books are kin. Books are more than an addiction, they are companions. We can't imagine not being in the "middle of a book" with a stack waiting. As I've sat for hours in waiting rooms these past few years (teeth and eye), I exchanged smiles and sometimes conversations with others holding books or kindles. While patients sighed and complained of waiting so long, we were thankful for reading time that came with no guilt. Our choices in books reveal some things about us, for sure, but for the lifelong readers, sharing our lists with others is a pleasure, not a judgment. What are you reading today?! - Beth Almond Ford
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